Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Working with Project,Object,Token,Users and Attachments

Working with Project:

  •   Viewing the project in the Project window:

After entering in to OMW window fill all the fields and click on “Find” button we can view all the projects.

  • Creating a project: After entering in to OMW window click on add button. And select OMW Project then we will get a window.


Fill all the fields and click on “OK” button. Then the project will be added to the project window.

  •  Advancing the Project: After all the modifications are completed on the project then it is advanced to next level by operating the “Advance Project” button.
  •   Adding existing Project to a Project: Search for the Project which we would like to add to our project and click on that project and select our project and click on the arrow button. Then that project will be added to our project.

  •            Deleting the Project: we can delete the project only if we have the user role as administrator. Administrator has all rights on the project.

Working with Object:
  • Searching for objects: We can search for objects in properties window. After filling all the fields click on “Advanced SEARCH” button. Then we can see all the objects in the Properties window.
·         Creating Object:  Click on ADD button and select the object which you would like to create and click OK. Then fill all the fields and click OK. Then the object is created.
·         Adding Object to Project: Search for objects in the properties window. Select the object which you would like to add and also select the project to which the object is to be added. Then click on arrow buttons the object will be added to the project.
·        Moving Object: We can simply drag and drop the objects from one project to other project.
·        Removing Objects: Select the object which you want to remove and click on left arrow button it will be removed from the Project.
·         Deleting the object: After creating the object we have to check in the object once and after that only we can delete the object.
·        Getting object Specifications: If we select the object and see in the properties window we can get its properties like whether it has token or not, it is in check in or check out status......etc
·         Checking objects in and out: If we have token then only we can check in the object. If we are not having the token with us if we check out the object then we will be in the token queue. We will check out the object for getting the token.
·         Changing Objects: On Object Management Workbench, choose an object in the project window. Click the Design button in the centre column. An appropriate design form for the object appears. The current properties of the object appear on the form. Make the necessary changes to the object, and then click OK.
·        Maintaining Objects in Multiple Software Releases: Same-named objects in different software releases can be modified in OMW in the same project. After adding the objects to the project, you can maintain them independently or you can update one to match the other. When working on objects from separate releases, OMW handles save and check-in file paths for you, based on the Object Management Configuration.
Working with tokens:
·       Understanding Token queue: when two or more projects holds the same object only one user holds the token and remaining all users had checked out the object and all are waiting for the token.

·         Inheriting token: when two or more projects holds the same object and all user has token with them then it is known as inheriting token. In this multiple users can work on single object at a time.

After checking out the object it asks us whether we want to be in token queue or to inherit the token select any one option based on the requirement and click select button.
·         Switch Token: This is used to switch a token from on project to another. This might have done if the project owner is not available.
·        Release Token: After the work on the object is completed then the user releases the token so that it will be used by other user to do the modifications on the object.
Working with Users:
Searching for users: In the properties window fill the fields as Owners, User ID and click on search button then we will get all the users in this window.

          Adding user to the project: Select the user you want to add and select the project to which you want to add the user and click on the right arrow button. It asks the role of the user select one of the roles and click ok button. User is added to the project.
       Removing user from the project: Select the user that you want to remove and click the left arrow button. User will be removed.
      After selecting the users by using the arrow buttons we can either add or delete the users from the project.

·        Changing user properties:
 1. On Object Management Workbench, choose a user (owner) in the project window, and then click Select.
2. On Project User Details, complete the following fields, and then click OK:
• User Role
• Project Lead
• Estimated Hours

Working with Attachments:

·        Viewing attachments in design view:

Select the Project and click on design button. A window will be opened in that go to attachments. In this way we can view attachments in design view.

Viewing attachments in the OMW: To get attachments in OMW go to “ROW” and then select “Attachments”.

Advanced Get: Advanced Get will allow you to get the specs from a different path code.

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