Wednesday 16 April 2014

Functional Modules


           It is a set of applications that performs certain tasks on a specific set of data in a database.

  It is of 2 types:
  1.    Functional Module
  2.    Technical Module

  It is mainly of 5 types 
  1. Finance Module
  2. Distribution Module
  3. Manufacture Module
  4. Human Resource Module
  5. Transportation
Finance Module:

      It is further classified into 4 types:
  • Accounts Payable: It's module number is '03'. Module number is used for easy identification.
  • Accounts Receivable:  It's module number is '04'.

  • General Ledger: It's module number is '09'.

  • Address-book: It's module number is '01'.
Distribution Module:

      It is further classified into 3 types:

  • Inventory: It's module number is '41'. Where we store the raw material,finished goods is called inventory.

  • Sales Order: It's module number is '42'. It means all the sales details.

  • Purchase Order: It's module number is '43'. It means all the purchase details. 

      It is further classified into 2 types:

  • Production Data Management: IT's module number is '31'. All the details entered related to production.

  • Quality Control Management:It's module number is '37'. All the details entered related to quality. 
      It is further classified into 2 types:

  • Pay Roll: It's module number is '07'. The total amount of wages and salaries paid by company to employees.

  • Human Resource: It's module number is '08'.
TRANSPORTATION MODULEIt's module number is '49'. It is from customer to suppliers.

Functional modules has another 4 classifications.Which are added later.

 They are:
  1. Real-estate Management:  It's module number is '15'.
  2. Customer Relationship:  It's module number is '90'.
  3. Grover Management:  It's module number is '40G'.
  4. Apparel Management.

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