Table Conversion: It is used for converting data from Table to Table, Table to Text File, Text File to Text File and Text File to Table.
Types of table conversions:
- Data Conversion: Data from records in the input is inserted into records in the output through mapping defined by you. Data Conversion is used to update records in a Table or Business view.
- Data Copy: It consists of one or more tables which are copied exactly from one environment or data source to another environment.
- Data copy with table input: It is similar to data copy except that is also allows information for the process to come from an input table.
- Batch Delete: It allows you to delete a range of records from input tables.
The Environments in Table Conversion are 3. They are
- Logging Environment
- Input Environment
- Output Environment
Procedure for Table Conversion:
- After entering into OMW window Click on 'ADD' button and select Batch Applications and click OK.
- Fill all the fields like Object Name, Description, Product code, System code and select Table Conversion Check box then click OK. Now Table Conversion Object will be added to the project.
- Click on Design Tools Tab and select Table Conversion Design Aid and click OK.
- In the Table Design Aid We have the Options like Data Conversion, Data Copy, Data Copy with Input and Batch Delete. From that select any one option and click 'Next'.
- If you want to add a Processing Option add it otherwise click Next.
- Select the Input and Output Environments and click Next.
- Select input i.e., Table, Business View,Text file and Foreign Table select any one and then click Next.
- If required add Data Sequencing, then click Next.
- If required define your Data Selection, then click Next.
- Select Output i.e., Table, Foreign Table and Text File Select any one option and click Next.
- Do mapping for the data items from input tables to Output Tables, then click Next.
- Create the version for that batch application save the created version and run the created version.
- We can check the output based on the output selected that is table or text file or foreign table.
- If you want to convert the data from Text File to Text File then save the Text File in CSV format and upload the Text File in both Input and Out put also. In the user defined formats select the format type as Delimited and in that select 'Tab' option and add data items needed and finish it. In the output click User Defined Formats and select the format type as Delimited and in that select 'Tab' option and add data items needed and finish it. Then only complete data populates from one Text File to another.
- If you want to convert the data from Table to Text File select the table as input. In the output also upload the Text File and in the User Defined Formats select the format type as Delimited and in that select 'Tab' option and add data items needed and finish it. Then only complete data populates from Table to Text File.
- If you want to convert the data from Table to Table select the input and output tables. There is no need of changing user defined formats.
- If you want to convert the data from Text File to Table, upload the Text File saved in CSV Format and select the User Defined Format type as Delimited and in that select 'Coma' option and add data items needed and finish it. In the output select the Table.There is no need of changing user defined formats. Then complete data populates from Text File to Table.
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