Wednesday 16 April 2014

Technical Modules

Technical Modules: These are classified as follows

  • Object Management Workbench(OMW)
  • Data Dictionary(DD)
  • Table Design Aid(TDA)
  • Business View(BV)
  • Data Structures(DS)
2.Application Design
  • Interactive applicationForms
Forms:It is an interface between user and database.
  • Batch application:  'Reports' and 'Table Conversion'.
Reports: It prints the data in a useful format.

Table conversion: It is used for converting the data.

3.Event Rules: 
  • Business Function Event Rules: It is an encapsulated,reusable business logic created through event rules rather than C-programming.
  • Embedded Event Rules: It is specific to a particular table interactive or batch applications, these are not reusable.

4.Business Functions:
  • NER: It is predefined in JDE scripting Language.
  • C: It is used with C codes.

5.Caching Storage of data while creation of any application.

6.Additional Features:
  • Processing Option
  • Transaction Processing Option
  • Multiple currency
  • Record Locking
  • Menu Design
  • Error
  • Interactive
  • Batch

8.Debugging: It is used to provide the state of program at any point of execution.
  • Event Rule Debugging: It is used to debug forms,Reports and Table Conversions.
  • Visual C++ Debugging: It is used for debugging C business functions.
  • M and D Debugger: At the run time of C business function we use M&D Debugger.

9.web applications: It is developed using java code.

10.Performance: By trouble shooting we can increase the performance.

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