Wednesday 16 April 2014


Reports: Reports are used for representing the data in a useful format.

Report Components: The report components are
  • Report Introduction: A report exists as a set of specifications that are read by JDE batch engine for processing. We can create variations of a single report using versions.
  • Report Objects: JDE is object based. Each report template is considered as batch application. When you add report object the system creates a header record in OL Manager Table(F9860).
  • Report Sections: Report sections are basically components of a report. Selection types include:
  1. Report header and Report Footer Section: Report Header section appears once at the beginning of the report. Report Footer appears once at the end of the report.
  2. Page Header and Page Footer: Page Header section appears at the beginning of every page. Page Footer appears at the end of every page.
  3. Detail Sections: These presents the information that the report is designed to convey. The types of sections are Columnar, Group and Tabular. The data for these sections is populated from a business view. In addition to Business View fields we can define and add data fields to detail report section such as data dictionary fields, constants and variables.Within this detail section we can 
  • Attach a business view.
  • Sequence data using business view fields.
  • define level break using data sequencing fields.
  • Filter data based on designated criteria.
  • Present totals.
  • Attach Event Rules.
The guide lines for the size of a report template is not the number of sections but the physical size. A report design should not exceed a size of 45 inches in length and width.

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