Wednesday 16 April 2014


Business View: A business view is a selection of data items from one or more tables.

Table Joins: A table join combines data from individual rows of joined tables. Types of joins are:

  1. Simple Join: This includes only rows that match both the primary and secondary tables.
  2. Right Outer Join: This includes rows common to both the tables and unmatched rows from secondary table.
  3. Left Outer Join: This includes rows common to both the tables and unmatched rows from primary table.
  4. Sql 92 left outer join: This includes rows common to both the tables and unmatched rows form primary and null values in the secondary tables.
Adding a business view: 
  1. On OMW click 'ADD'.
  2. On Add One world object to project, choose business view option and then click OK.
  3. On Add object complete all the fields like Object name, Description, Product code, System code, Object use and click OK.
Naming convention: the naming convention is VZZZZZZZZA.

V is business view name.
ZZZZZZZZ is character of primary table.
A is letter to generate view.

Working with business view: It has 4 windows
  • Table Join: It defines the tables over which you create the business view.
  • Available Tables: It locates tables for selecting and moving to the table joins view.
  • Selects columns: It lists the data items from your tables that are included in your business view.
  • Properties: we can get all the properties of the object.
To launch Business View Design Aid:
  • After entering into OMW window click on existing business view and click the "Design" button in the center column.
  • Click on design tool tab and then click start the "Business View Design Aid".
Choosing table and data items for a business view:
  • Search the tables and add them to table joins view by drag and drop.
  • If we add more than one table to a joins view then the first table is automatically indicated as primary table. If we want we can change it by double clicking on the title bar of desired table. A primary table denoted by a crown symbol in the upper left corner.
  • To delete the table from a business view choose it and choose delete from table menu.
  • Select the data items highlighted in the table joins window. As you select each item is added to the select column window.
  • You cannot join unlike items.
Creating table join:
  • Click and draw a line that links a column in the primary table to a column in the related table. You can create joins between the same data items only.
  • To delete a join choose it and choose delete from the join menu.
  • From the join menu choose types and choose one of the join types: Simple join, Left outer join, Right outer join.
  • Click the selected columns view to sequence columns.

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