Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Distributed Computing Environment(DCE)

It means Distributed Computing Environment.All modern ERP packages use DCE as a underline system to support ERP operations.

Data storage is not generally done on one system but it was shared across various systems on the network


          1.Client: It provides the user interface for any one using DCE. A client generates several requests to various servers based on user requirement.
  • Fat Client:  It has more hard disk space, high processing power and memory.It works as a workstation. 
  • Thin Client: It executes applications from a database on a server. Compared to fat client it's cost is less.
  • Zero Client: It  can only display information and can take the input.
       2. Server: It is used for exchanging data from client to system administrator.
       3.  Network: A set of applications executed in different systems rather than a single computer and all these different systems are connected together called network.
       4.  Security: A security system prevents computing and unauthorized employees from accessing the confidential information.

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