Thursday 17 April 2014

Forms(Interactive Applications)

Interactive Applications

  •          After entering into OMW Window select the project to which you want to add the aqpplication and then click on ADD. Now select Interactive Application and select OK.
  •          Fill all the fields like Object Name, Description, Product code and System Code. The namming Convension of Forms is Pxxxxyy. Click OK.

  •          Select the object and click on Design then go to Design Tools and select “Start Form Design Aid”.
  •       After Entering into Form Design Aid Click on Form, Create and then Select the form which you want to Create.
  • After adding the Form Click on Edit and attach a Business View
 The Form that is added first will be automatically selected as Entry Point   In this we have Grid Properties and Form Properties separately.   To add Columns to Grid Select the Grid then select the column to be added and click on Insert Column.

  • We will have Grid Properties, Form Properties and Column Properties separately.
  •          In this we have Grid Properties and Form Properties separately.
  •          To add Columns to Grid Select the Grid then select the column to be added and click on Insert Column.
  •          To change the Column Properties Right Click on the Columns Added and go to Properties.

  •          By entering into Grid Properties we change the alignment of the added columns.
  •          To Select Multiple Records at a time go to advanced and Select “Multiple Select” Option.
  •  And also we have many other options in this Advanced Tab.
  •   By clicking on Advanced or Options Tabs Change the properties based on the Requirement.  Fix Inspect Form will not have Grid. 
  • Remaining all Forms will have Grid.

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