Wednesday 16 April 2014

OMW Interface

OMW Interface: It has 3 windows:
  1. Project Window
  2. Action Buttons Window
  3. Information Window or Properties Window

1. Project Window: we get all the project details in this window. We have to fill all the fields like user, role and status and click on “Find” button shows all the projects in the Project window. We are having different roles as Originator, Developer, Manager, Quality Assurance, Product Support, PVC Administrator, Training, Documentation and supervisor.

2. Action Buttons Window:

Advance Project: This button is used to advance the project to next level. That is for example from development to testing....etc  

Switch Token: This is used to switch a token from on project to another. This might have done if the project owner is not available.

Release Token: After the work on the object is completed then the user releases the token so that it will be used by other user to do the modifications on the object.

Erase Check Out: This will erase the check out of any object generally you would use this button for any object that you have checked out in error.

Check In: (Work station to Server)
 Check in an object when you want to upload its specifications to server and make it publically available.

Check Out: (Server to Work station)
This action button is used to check out the object so that we can do modifications on the object.

GET: This action button is used to get the latest option specifications.

Design: This action button is used to modify an object. The object type will determine which one world tool you will access after processing the design button.

Save: This action button is used to save the medications that are done on an object.

Restore: This action button is used to restore any object we have saved. So we can start working on them.

Arrow Buttons: This action buttons are used to move the object in and out of the project.                     

3. Properties Window: All the properties of the project like Project name, Description, Project status, Project type.....etc

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