Wednesday 16 April 2014

Data Dictionary Items

Data Dictionary: It is just as word definition, the JDE data dictionary is a central repository that contains data item definitions and attributes.

Data dictionary is composed of 
  • Understanding the data dictionary
  • Using the data dictionary
  • Defining data item
Understanding the data dictionary:  
  • How the data dictionary is used at run time
  • Naming data items
  • Storing the data dictionary and data dictionary items
  • Glossary items
  • Error messages
  • Understanding default triggers
Using the data dictionary: We can create new data dictionary items and view existing one's with OMW.

Defining a data item: We can define data item specifications when we add, modify or copy a database data item.

Naming convention: the naming convention is YSSS(28D's).The data item name is 32 character alphabetical field that identifies and defines a data item.

                  Y denotes an external data dictionary item.
                   SSS denotes System code number.
                   28D's denotes name of the data item.

  1. After entering into OMW window click on "ADD" button then a window will be opened from that window select "Data Item" and click on OK button.
  2. Then a message window will be opened asking whether we want to add a glossary data item or a normal data item, click YES if you want to add a glossary item or click NO if you want to add a normal data item.
  3. Click on No button.
  4. Now a window having the fields like Data item,Alias,Glossary group,Description,Product code,Data type,Size. Fill all the fields and click OK button.
  5. If we want we can add Default value,Visual assists,Next number. 
  6. DD item is added to the project.  
  7. If we want to add a glossary data item in the message window click on YES button.
  8. Now a window having the fields like Item specification,Alias,Glossary group,Product code,Product code reporting,Description and Error level. Fill all these fields and click OK button
  9. Then the glossary item is added to the project.
Glossary Items:

Glossary Items are items that cannot be attributes in table. Some of the glossary items are C,D,S,K.

C = Data item class

D = Primary Data elements

S = Secondary Data Elements

K = Smart field

Error Messages:

Error messages used in one world are stored as data items.

Understanding of default Triggers:

Default triggers are reusable objects and automatically associated with each application that uses the data item.

We use triggers to 
  • Establish field default values.
  • Link data items to a user defined code.
Attaching Default Trigger:

We use triggers to initiate display and edit routines associated with data items at application run time. There are several specific type of triggers we can attach including:
  • Default value trigger
  • Visual assist trigger
  • Edit rule trigger
  • Display rule trigger
  • Next number trigger
  • Smart field trigger

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